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The following list of fumigation Do’s and Don’ts should be considered and adhered to apply the client, their agents and all contractors fumigators:
• Read and understand these instructions before starting the job. Always follow them as it relates to your job. Plans must circulate copies of these instructions to relevant departments.
• Lock all entry ways into fumigated structures and doors to the building, All occupants MUST vacate the house or structure whether treatment is intended to be partial or comprehensive. Ceilings, ductwork, conduits and piping are, to all parts of the same building and therefore will pose a certain amount of exposure risk.
• We need access for on-site training before doing any type of new fumigation work. Client must make sure that their overseer/agent or guard of the fumigation is properly is properly instructed and has 24-hour contact via phone/radio with client and contractor.
• Review list of products, contents and structural members of a building before fumigation. Make sure that items will not bee damage the fumigant of fumigation process.
• Consider all legal fumigants in view of contents and time available, choose the appropriate product with an emphasis on safety.
• Plan a fumigant aeration pattern that will avoid human exposure or pre-determined vacancy of structure.
• Know the poisoning symptoms and emergency treatments for fumigant exposure. Carry a copy of the signs, symptoms and treatments literature in your service vehicle.
• Have the proper respiratory protection equipment in sufficient quantities available on the jobsite. Make sure that all employees are trained in its use.
• Give a copy of those Do’s and Don’ts to the guard manning the fumigant site.
• Client should notify the police and the fire departments before starting the fumigation. Supply those officials with information regarding the fumigants used. (USDA)
• Before fumigation, planned the aeration process. Make sure that it can be done safely an adequately.
• Check the weather conditions anticipated during the fumigation period and aeration. Be familiar effects this will have on aeration and the fumigation process.
• Take a temperature reading of commodities and / or space to be fumigated. Insurer that process and space can be fumigated at the temperature.
• Be sure that you have at least one other trained person with you when you’re doing any fumigation.
• Know what protective clothing should be worn when applying the fumigant.
• Know all laws which pertain to fumigation, including local laws.
• Use safety that’s when working on roofs, soils and training gain bins. We’re safety that’s when working inside gain bins
• Always work in payers in sight of each other. One fumigator should be in a position of relative to safety. For example, if one man is in a railcar, the other should be outside.
• Carefully released against which the least possible human exposure. Release compress gas from the outside if possible. Place slow-release size fumigants of quickly enough to insurer minimal exposure.
• Refer to fumigants release brochures before the general fumigation begins.
• Post the appropriate warning placards in all possible entryways.
• Post fumigant positioning signed with every day and night telephone on entryways of fumigated spaces.
• If any fumigant has spilled on clothing, remove clothing when possible then wash with bleach.
• Contractor should ensure that the client understands the advantages of fumigation but also the effect on plans etc.,
• Consider the properties and concentration of the fumigants used, the building structure, ventilation system and outside weather conditions when planning aeration process. Use fans and leave blowers when necessary.
• Clear fumigated structure by using an approved measuring device only. Never trust assets number of hours for clearance. Too many variables exist.
• When possible, show the client the last fumigant reading(i.e., show them the last Draye to reading indicating that the structure has been clear). If Vikane or Methy1 bromide is being use.
• Provide customer with a list of reading taken. Ask them to scientist record
• Remove Fumigant warning placards when all fumigated spaces have the levels below the TLV.
• Notify the authorities when the structure is clear.
• Use warning tapes to block doors which have been propped open.
• Notify the client regarding his responsibilities to inform his dwellers/employees/occupants of the structure fumigation schedule. They must inform about hazards associated with the process.
• Make sure that a fumigant residues and fumigant contents of remove from the jobsite. For example, written records should be kept regarding number of Phosphine packets and cylinders use a number removed.
• Client must ensure that all their guards are informed about fumigation exercise and instructed not to allow entrance, access or give the keys to the structure to anyone other than a contractor at the appointed and agreed time. Provided variances specific instructions regarding fumigation accidents, what to do in case of and emergency, etc.
• Make sure that respiratory protection equipment and other protective clothing has been properly maintains an is functioning correctly.
• Never fumigated structure with phosphine fumigants that contains sensitive electronic equipment (i.e., computers).
• When possible, use more than one clearing devices when aerating r a structure. For example, use a halide then a Draye detection to for clearing methyl bromide fumigated spaces.
• Know was safety considerations and follow safety practices for the structure you are fumigating. For example, use none-sparkling flashlights in grain elevators.
• Take care when using glass detection tubes around open food.
• Have at lest one person certified in fumigation on each job site.
• Provide clients with the appropriate instructions regarding the movement of fumigated trailers, boxcars, passenger cars, and hopper cars.
• Always treat fumigants with respect.
• When appropriate, placards vehicles carrying fumigants the proper placards.
• Always take multiple readings when clearing a structure. Take care to check areas where the fumigant may pocket or linger after air conditioning or ventilation systems are finally turned on.
• Again, always refer to this fumigation checklist before beginning any fumigation.
• Don’t leave fumigated spaces unlocked or unguarded, Never turn on or leave any heating or air conditioning system before or during fumigation.
• Clients must ensure that no invalids, employees, plants or pets remain present during fumigant cylinder placement, fumigant release, fumigant exposure or aeration of the fumigant. It’s the client’s responsibility to inform ALL occupants of the untended fumigation and notify them of the quarantine.
• Don’t ignore protective clothing and equipment requirements on fumigant labels and in company policy statements.
• Don’t fumigate without an experienced applicator on the job site. Don’t fumigate without two trained applicators present. (Buddy System)
• Don’t fumigate a building unless all areas can be secured and remain under the passenger section of a vehicle.
• Don’t Transport fumigant cylinders in a horizontal position or within the passenger section of a vehicle.
• Don’t drink alcohol 24. Hrs. Before or after a fumigation. Never fumigate while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
• Never take chances when using fumigants. Always re-check to insure that all procedures have been followed per the fumigator in charge’s instructions.
• Never use equipment which is not working properly. This includes protective clothing equipment, fans, flashlights, detection devices, fumigant shooting lines, etc.
Do’s & Don’ts