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Pre-Job : evaluation/electronic testing
We carefully inspect your premises to properly identify infestation sources and the obvious extent of damage to property, wall and roof. Porosity of surfaces and possible access locations are searched for. We then record findings and pass these readings/information on to the experts to:
> Study or advise on the preliminary reports and
> make diagrams of infested area and
> determine treatment methods and blend type required to eliminate….
> manage and prevent recurrence of infestations.
1st Segment of Work
Dispatch Department initially assigns the ABOVE-GROUND SPECIALISTS to you.
This crew is not trained by CARIBPEST in sub-floor treatments or bait formulas etc., or the weather-proof outdoor formulas to treat trees and fence lines.
UPPER OR TOPMOST crew who are specially trained and equipped with living air-space safe, above-ground formulas to do the following:
They will:
Fog, Spray or dust air/asthma -safe solutions, (powders, or gases*) into roofs, onto joists or beams, ceiling support laths and over into corners onto wall plates will be done by this crew. (*Gold Option)
(If the roof is slab, all wall outlets will be baited by this crew Set wood/cellulose baits and place pest poisonous paste or bait into midwall cracks and crevices.[Termites will eventually ascend and consume wall resting shelves, books etc.,)
2nd Segment of work. 1-3 days after
Dispatch then assigns the GROUNDS SPECIALISTS.
This crew does not have air-safe formulas to treat roofs or the weather-proof outdoor formulas to treat trees and fence lines.
LOWER OR BASE crew is trained and equipped to do the following:
Cut, bore and expertly seal and refinish holes and openings made in building lower base/floor or outer surrounding concrete. If there are enclosures at stairs or cupboard bases this crew will bait those as well. access infested BASE areas, insert nozzle, and inject pesticide to impregnate ground and spray gutter trenches made against walls.
If there are enclosures at stairs or cupboard bases this crew will bait those as well. Spray formula into gutter trenches made against the structures outer perimeter sides.
Final 3.Post-Job Finish walk through: Inspection
Termites in Jamaica swarm as rainflies. If ignored, they form “secondary nests” above the ground called “aerial colonies” in blockwalls and roofs. These soil independent nests started by rainflies are hidden and embedded in walls, surviving unconnected to ground in boxes, books and furniture or a moisture source available above ground. Sources of moisture would be from ac ducts, water tanks on roofs, the slightest leak in roofs, inner wall plumbing leaks or condensation. When nest are fully established they generate their own moisture… even when the original source of moisture is gone. Termite pellets may be formed and tumble out of pinholes, as these non-soil termites establish themselves in furniture, paintings and books. Then sealed gas fumigation is needed to kill all active insects.
Fumigation is a treatment measure which is intended to eliminate 100 percent of live ChiChi infesting structures with gaseous insecticides. Fumigants are generally preferred because it yields 100% lethal, self-effective penetration within enclosures, while other insecticides lay on surfaces, penetrate only the surface skin of wood or does not penetrate infested items at all.
1st OPTION GAS FUMIGATION [Inner or Outer Seals]
Termites attack a building in any of it’s three layers namely
1. Roof
2. Walls
3. Base
An early problem can be controlled in any layer of your structure. However, if the infestation is late and has spread to other layers a comprehensive treatment is advised. If termites have infested walls and are hidden beyond localized treatments, fumigation is vital.
CARIBPEST’S TOP TO GROUND [Inner or Outer Seals]
1of 3 Alternative to fumigation>> RESIDUAL ROOF TREATMENTS :
Caribpest’s first step to push termites out of structures. Top to Ground treatments avoids stifling termites in walls and roof as a base upwards treatment often does. Termites can stay inside walls and establish nests. Application of Residuals by Coarse fan spraying, or Aerosol fogging , or Injection kills and repels termites from roofs. Coarse spraying or Brush painting
applications of Selected Wood-treat Termiticides and other fast and deep woodfiber penetrating compounds in a solvent carrier will be done on all exposed, unpainted and unvarnished wood. This application treatment does not include the process of gas fumigation.
Emulsion will be pressured into walls through neat holes drilled at downward angles, 12″ (30cm) to 18″(45cm) apart and at least 4″(10cm) deep. A suitable emulsion of 0.5 to 2% will be injected at a rate of 4 gals (18 litre) per 10 linear feet (3 mtr) THIS KILLS AND PUSHES TERMITES DOWNWARDS. Aerosol pumps are used for calibration, monitoring and accuracy. All holes will be resealed.
Termites seen in a bedroom can be nesting in your living room or at your front door, drilling one room in a home is not going to establish a continuous protective barrier. Emulsion will be pressured under tiles through neat holes drilled 12″ (30cm) to 24″(60cm) apart and at least 8″(20cm) deep. A suitable emulsion of 0.5 to 2% will be injected at a rate of4 gals (18 litre) per 10 linear feet (3 mtr). 40 GAL(180 L) motorized pumps are used for calibration, monitoring and accuracy. THIS OPERATION KILLS AND FORCES TERMITES FROM UNDER HOMES OUTSIDE. All holes will be re-sealed.
Outer perimeter treatment of the structure is achieved by digging 6″(15cm) trenches immediately beside the structures foundation and applying the same termiticide solution at a rate of 2 – 4 gls (9 to 18 litres) per 10 L/ft (3 mtr)inside the trenches, the return-fill soil is also sprayed. Rodding is done by latteral injection using the same preparation and termite treatment equipment. When mortar or asphalt is encountered on the outside, holes will be drilled to make soil contact. THIS LOCKS OFF THE
TOP TO GROUND OPERATION. The rate of application remains unchanged. NOTE: Before interfering with adjacent, infested trees, we put this barrier in place on house sides to protect homes from migrating termite attack from underground tree roots.
Special spider-web formed trenches that takes in the distance of the limbs and roots will be guttered along the ground under trees. A broadcast emulsion of 0.05% to 4% formula is introduced into these trenches that is intended to reach the roots below. Termite that nests in trees and on fences should be chemically destroyed to prevent rainflies swarming into the structure. To prevent underground migration from roots, a chemical barrier must be established along the wall/s on the side of the trees.
This treatment/s is being performed to achieve the following objective:
- To kill all termites and if requested bait their nests
- To bar and block termites re-access to infested areas
- To schedule and maintain a reliable inspection warranty
Termites travel up and down walls. They use both grounding wires in the soil to infest electrical conduits and use water pipes highways to tunnel and nest all over a structure.
Termites emerge far away from nests. Failure of this operation can force termites to nest in walls and above ground in roofs. They then attack shelves, staircases, closets and kitchens. They will be seen exiting plug outlets.
Figure 3.0
We put this barrier in place on house sides to protect homes from infested tree roots.
Before touching trees a chemical trench barrier must be pre-established along exposed wall/s to block tunnelling from trees underground.
We place barriers to protect roofs, furniture, shelves and books from nearby tree nests.