Preparation for Service Guide
For Best Treatment Results
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Residential- Pre Home Pest Inspection Guide
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A. Preparation for initial Pest Control Spraying Service
- All cabinets and drawers in kitchen and bathroom emptied.
- Cover all food items and contents removed from cabinets and drawers.
- All closets floors cleared around wall area by pushing clothes to center of rack.
- Clear floor area of closet completely, as well as shelves above clothing.
- All toys and loose articles removed from the floor.
- All pets out of the house. Fish aquariums turned off and covered.
- Drawers and chest drawers pulled out and stacked away from furniture to allow for treatment inside furniture.
- Pull all furniture away from walls to make baseboards available.
- All electrical outlet covers and switch plate covers removed.
- In some cases house must be vacated for 4–6 hours after service.
B. Preparation for Roach spray service inside
- Pets must be treated on the same day of service, preferable taken to vet. All pets must be out of the house. Wash all pet bedding blankets and rugs.
- Cover and turn off fish aquariums.
- All miscellaneous items removed from floors. All closet floors cleaned and all items removed from under beds and or furniture allowing as much floor as possible accessible for treatment.
- All carpeted areas are vacuumed very thoroughly. Dispose of vacuum bags outside immediately as eggs will hatch inside bag.
- Mop all linoleum or tile floors with a good disinfectant.
- Strip linens from beds and wash vacuum sofa and chair cushions.
- Let the technician know where pet(s) stay in the house. Intense treatment will be applied in these areas.
- Vacate the premises for 3–4 hours after service.
C. After treatment
- Ventilate the home to remove any pesticide odors before entering.
- turn fish pump aerators on and uncover the tank after the home has been ventilated.
- Once surfaces have dried, replace shelf paper in cupboards and return items to cabinets, drawers and closets.
- Do not wash carpets or floors after treatment. Allow two weeks, if possible, before cleaning these surfaces. Vacuuming is permitted.
- Wash counters, food preparation surfaces, dishes and food utensils which were not covered during the treatment.