Termite Eradication & Management
After approving our estimate and Caribpest is contracted as your service provider, we move into the termite extermination process.
Caribpest offers Supervised Crews backed by our responsible and knowledgeable pest control firm.
Start of Process
Before starting the application, the Caribpest representative does a professional walk-thru inside and outside:
• To make every effort to ensure that occupants, their pets and items are fully prepared for the operation to take place.
• All the valuable, breakable and sensitive, electronic property in exposed work areas are secured by the client.
• To ensure that the structure’s exterior sides are clear enough for operations.
• That along the interior treatment walls all impediments to operations are cleared away.
Residual Step #1
ROOF: Special Professional Equipment is used to deliver the wood protection formula onto the wood of the roof and all other wooden areas requested for treatment.
Termite Feeders Treatment
If the roof is being done, this residual, surface application process inside ceilings or onto open wood frames has to be done before the drilling and treatment of the wall tops seen in the preceding frame. Termites and rainflies often come out of holes drilled in wood and walls.
Termite feeders shift around inside, under floors, in walls and fly above ground continuously.
Walls often become infested because:
• Termites can start nests in walls after flying in as rainflies. They enter furniture, outlets, cracks and crevices.
• Termites can lift nests from under tiles into the walls.
• Termites can be forced into walls because of an inner or outer base treatment that was done.
Residual Step #2
Optional Upper Wall Neck Residual Treatment - Blocks inner trail-travelling, wall embedded ChiChi (Gold Option Only)
Whether the roof is being done or not, the upper wall neck treatment should be ordered. It helps prevent termites from travelling up through walls to the roof where, at any height, they destroy ANYTHING wooden that they find attached to or resting on the walls (pictures, shelves, books, etc.).
Also, if only roof treatments are done, they often escape & descend from the wall plates into walls to set up or regenerate nests.
This barrier also helps from the other direction, preventing termites from emerging through blocks into roofs after being repelled from lower areas by base treatments (NOTE: this step has to be done AFTER a roof treatment, but BEFORE a base treatment).
Residual Step #3 - Internal Perimeters
Drilling? Getting rid of one ugly problem should not cause another ugly problem.
A proper Caribpest wall-base treatment gradually forces termites down from walls and from under floors to the outside of structures. The small holes made will be smoothly resealed and are easily repainted.
Special attractants, non-repelling or repellants will have to be knowledgably selected by Caribpest Mixers depending on what is being used in the base or roof.
In the tropics, invasive termites tunnel into walls and eventually nest above ground without the need for re-entering the soil.
After a proper 1-2-3-4, roof, upper wall/lower wall and base treatment, a gutter trench is established along the exterior perimeter to FINALLY LOCK termites from under the structure, also preventing invading termites from entering from outside the treated structure (e.g. from trees), and neighbors' termites from finding (foraging to) you home or structure. Any wood resting on the ground is consumed by termites.
All Caribpest formulas are pre-mixed for YOUR PREMISES ONLY!
Protect homes before touching outdoor nests. Infested trees are the very last operations on a Caribpest visit. If the house is not strategically protected by an outer perimeter channel against the house and wood repellant sprays, denying any traditional feeding source of termites (trees) may cause termites to converge on the house itself.
Baited Pegs available with GOLD OPTION ONLY.
The purpose of this exercise was to:
• Apply and Form a formulation barrier
• Stop the specie termite named from attacking in the same areas
• Provide, establish and maintain a suitable inspection program
• If termites appear inside the BASE of the structure within the compliance warranted period, re-treatments are free.
Before leaving, we do a final walkthrough to ensure all treatment holes are resealed and covered, all work areas are cleaned up and the customer's premises are left in good post-service condition. We also ensure that any new wood being installed by the client is properly sprayed by our company.
ndications of AGN or drywood termite presence are tiny, dark brown to black or cream colored oval pellets falling and piling onto surfaces around the item being devoured. In the case of roofs, pellets may appear scattered on beds, floors or on top of tables only. Subterranean termites do not and are not capable of producing pellets.
Travelling with you, Drywood Termites can follow furniture shipments from Canada, Miami or England to its destination in Jamaica and continue to live, breed and eat during shipment. Unlike the subterranean termite which we said earlier would die within hours of the furnitures' removal from its subterranean termite vein-connecting source.
Quite unfortunately, whenever drywood termites infest a building, the only known foolproof method of treatment is complete tent fumigation, which leaves NO AFTER TREATMENT PROTECTION. An infested building has thousands of pin-size entry holes that were made by swarming rain flies. Fifty percent of these are mature galleries, the other fifty percent are freshly made entry holes by other swarming rainflies from the mature galleries, their development is already well underway.
Futile attempts at treatment which excludes gas fumigation always fail. Unless the item is as thin as ¼" ply board, the very awkward way in which termites bore into furniture or timber makes liquid, fog or brush application on infested timber a complete waste of time.
Platinum Gas Fumigation
When drywood termites are embedded, it may be beyond the early stages of surface sprays.
Caribpest GAS Fumigation is our introduction of a volume-calculated, toxic gas into all the spaces in your structure in high enough concentration so that the gas fills all areas to kill target pests. If the structure has plaster or wooden OUTER WALLS, it may have to be tent fumigated. However, if the structure has CONCRETE OUTER WALLS, the entrances, windows and openings can be sealed internally or externally.
The gas may evolve from cylinders of gas pressurized to the liquid state or from solid fumigation tablets that react with atmospheric moisture. The gas in the space being fumigated will be held above a certain concentration for the period of time stated so that all target pests are eliminated. Fumigation is the most thorough, complex and expensive pest control service our company performs. It requires the most care in application. It kills pests tracelessly so it leaves no toxic residues.
GAS FUMIGATION is the rapid, 100% way. No single operation can ever eliminate as much active termites above ground and in wood as Gas Fumigation does.
In a finished structure all treatments except fumigation are partial. There may be multiple nests in a structure, and each nest may contain hundreds of thousands of individuals, foraging in many different directions.
Newly hatched nymphs can feed on feces left in nests and galleries by the previous live termites.
They do so in a practice called trophallaxis. This allows them to develop bacteria (microorganisms) in their gut which they were not born with. They can then start molding into the different casts and start the feeding on cellulose cycle again.
This fecal eating is a normal part of next population activity.
Apart frpm the Queen, King and nymphs, the drywood termite nest has only interim feeders. "Workers" of drywood termites are really "interim workers" unlike "workers" of subterranean termites because they are immature termites that eventually become soldiers or reproductives. These immature drywood termites perform the same role as true workers (feeding/grooming/queen care/etc.), until they mature into either a soldier or a reproductive drywood termite.
If there is no king, some nests have a queen that can actually clone herself (reproduce asexually). This ensures the produced queens will have the original queen’s genes, making her identifiable to all nest members. That protects them. If it were not so they would be attacked and killed by the nest members!